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The U.S. Mint (part 2 - The Mint moves to Old City)


Despite the impressive productivity of the third Philadelphia mint, over time its equipment became outdated. In an effort to improve efficiency, a new mint was planned just a few blocks from "Ye Olde Mint".

The site, bounded by Arch, Race, 4th & 5th Sts., was occupied by many 19th century buildings, housing stores, factories and warehouses, which were all torn down. (1st - 5th photos) Appletree St and Cherry St (between 4th & 5th St) were wiped from the map. (6th photo - map)

Opened on August 14, 1969, the new mint was almost three times the size of the 3rd mint. One million coins could now be minted in just half an hour, which would have taken 3 years to do at the original mint. After the opening of the fourth mint, the third mint was acquired by Community College of Philadelphia, becoming part of the college’s main campus.

415 Arch St. 429 - 435 Arch St. was built for 152 N 4th St

Smith, Kline & French in the 1890's

400 block of Appletree St, 1960 4th & Arch demolition Map showing site of mint prior to demolition




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