Ralph E. White’s 5- story, Flemish bond brick, Colonial Revival building at 244-248 N. 3rd Street was built around 1915 for Cover & Company, a shoe manufacturer.
As early as 1897, Thomas and Loring A. Cover, and 2 partners had a leather business at 355 North Third Street, although both Covers were residents of Virginia. In 1907 Thomas Cover, Jr. appears as a Philadelphia resident with a leather business, Cover and Company, at 349 North Third Street. He remained at this address until 1915 when he moved into his new building at 244 - 248 North Third Street. Cover and Company was located at this address until at least 1936, producing "Heavy Texas Oak Sole Leather, Bends, Bellies, Shoulders, Blocks, & Strips".
Architecturally the building is very similar to the Christ Church Parish House, which White also designed.
1917 ad 1972 Today