Robert Shoemaker (1817 - 1896) had a pharmacy at 2nd and Green St. for many years before he moved the business to 4th & Race St. in 1856, adding his brother, Benjamin, as a partner and establishing a wholesale pharmacy business. At that time, wholesale druggists also dealt in paints and glass, besides medicines.
Benjamin H. Shoemaker (1827 - 1919) left his brother's business in 1866, establishing a plate and window glass business next door on 4th St.
Benjamin was a prominent Philadelphian, serving as president of Pennsylvania Hospital for seven years. The businesses occupied 205 - 209 N 4th, which was built in 1870 and 211 N. 4th, which was built in 1860. Robert's business occupied 201 - 203 N 4th (corner of Race), and was built in 1855.
Neither business appears to have survived the depression. The building is currently divided into 40 condominiums.
1875 1877 ad Robert Shoemaker, 4th & Race, 1899