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Old City Arts (1975 - 1980)


Old City in 1975 was a very different place than it is today. The neighborhood was a declining manufacturing district made up of 19th century buildings, somewhat cut off from the rest of the city by Independence Mall and the impending construction of I-95 and Vine St Expressway. What had once been a thriving wholesale mercantile district interspersed with pockets of residential houses had been slowly declining. The silver lining was that the vacant warehouse loft spaces and low rents provided unique opportunities for artists.

Old City became a magnet for artists seeking affordable studio space to live in and create their work. The neighborhood attracted creative-minded individuals and audiences to explore and experience new approaches to the visual and performing arts.

From 1975 - 1980 Old City was "the place" for new artistic expression. Etage (Environmental Theater And Gallery Experiment) at 253 N 3rd presented avant-garde theatre, electronic music, modern dance, film, video, performance poetry, and artist run workshops. The Bread Street Studio, at 146 N Bread St, hosted dance performances, and was home to Painted Bride in the 1970's, after moving from South St and before their move to Vine St.

Old City Arts had a gallery space at 4th & Wood St and sponsored community

interdisciplinary artist events, such as "A Walk in Public", a parade featured camels, goats, numerous floats, music, and a colorful brigade of over 70 artists. "No Man's Land" was an impressionistic experience loosely based on Homers’ Odyssey. An outdoor experience, it was staged over a couple blocks of what is now the Wood St Park, but was then open space before construction of the expressway.

ETAGE at 253 N 3rd St Bread St Studio Some members of Old City Arts

A Walk in Public



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