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"Lagerhouse" 214 - 218 New St.


The building at 214 - 218 New St. is a condominium called Lagerhouse. Many realtor websites claim it's the site of America's first lager brewery and is in the National Historic Register, but there is no such entry when looking at the Register. The site may have housed George Manger Brewery, which was one of America's earliest lager breweries but appears to have only been in business for one year.

Though the Lagerhouse condo signage says 1849,(1st photo) the current building was actually built in 1885 in the Queen Anne style. The earliest documented tenant was Energy Elevators (2nd) which made dumbwaiters and freight elevators. It was here from at least 1891 to 1920. Technic Electrical Works also was located at this address, at least from 1900 - 1909. They made switchboards and electrical switches.

1912 ad



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