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Henry Harrison Houses, 112 - 116 Cuthbert St


We all know about the beautiful historic homes on Elfreth's Alley, but just a couple of blocks away is an under-appreciated gem. This row of three small rowhouses was constructed for Henry Harrison in 1760 to provide rental housing for newcomers to the city. The Georgian style rowhouses have a common gambrel roof with cornice and cove pent eave, which extends over all three. The simple plan has one front and one back room on first and second floors.

118 Cuthbert, also built in the Georgian style, was built five years earlier for Jacob Cooper. Cuthbert St. was originally named Coombs Alley.

Henry Harrison was a dry-goods merchant, and served as the Mayor of Philadelphia from 1762-1763. He was a member of Christ Church and is buried in their cemetery. His headstone reads, "Alderman and sometime Mayor of Philadelphia, A Christian and useful Citizen. His desolate Widow, sadly bewailing her irretrievable loss, and striving to alleviate her grief with the memory of his worth, Erected this Stone."

1959, rear 1968, w/118 Cuthbert (w/ people outside)



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