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41 - 49 N 3rd St


1855 lithograph (1st image) showing a North Third Street block of businesses (37-43) (todays numbers are 41 - 49) above Market Street. Includes (left to right) Sieger, Lamb & Co., dry goods (43); Brown, Frederick & Kunkel, men's and boys' wear and Irwin, Shultz & Peiper, merchants (41); S. Brock Jr., fancy dry goods and Iungerich & Smith, grocers (39); and Lloyd & Walmsley, trimmings (37). Storefronts are four to five stories and are built of stone. Also shows the storefront (without signage) at 45 North Third Street and partial views, with signage, of neighboring businesses, including J.W. Swain, umbrellas and parasols (35).

37 & 39 N 3rd (now 41 & 43) are Greek revival buildings, and were both built in 1829 and rehabbed in 1990. #41 (now #45) was built 1853 for Dr. Charles Lukens in the Italianate style. #43 (also built in 1853) is now numbered as #47 - 49 and is The Third Quarter Apartments (though #49 is now a courtyard).

Over 160 years later, the address numbers have changed, but all but one of these buildings are still there.

1855 lithograph 1960 1974




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